+44 74 0202 0052
What students say about us...

Piano // March 19, 2014
I especially like playing duets because it sounds good when I play with someone else.

Peter Rochy
Acoustic Guitar // March 1, 2014
I started learning guitar from Joseph around 3 month ago as an absolute begginer and I'm very delighted and happy with the progress we have made together so far.
Joseph is a brilliant guitar player and an excellent and patient teacher as well. I really like the flexibility and the friendly and encouraging atmosphere of the lessons, he keeps track of my improvement and builds up the lessons in an interesting and exciting manner - I always look forward the next lesson, I think it tells everything!
I would highly recommend Joseph for everyone who is keen to learn playing on a guitar on any level.

Piano // February 28, 2014
Heni, I've practiced: My dog Spike and Sorry Spike.

Meszaros Robert
Electric Guitar // May 18, 2013
My name is Robert "the drummer". Since January of this year I started to play on electric guitar. I took lessions from Melody Create and I found them to be a talanted focused and motivatied teachers. Having played drum for 12 years I know that techniques Joseph (guitar teacher) has taught me are the keys to playing an instrument successfully.

Alexa Botto
Music Theory // May 4, 2013
I fall in love with everything linked to music, and my teacher showed me music theory is not something to be afraid of but something you can learn and have fun with. Thank you for making me love every single minute of my music theory lessons.

Sandy Gregor
Piano // June 7, 2013
Thank you for showing me the impossible is possible and it's never too late to start playing an instrument if you have a deep passion in your heart. I enjoy every lesson and always feel that my teacher leads me closer to achieve my goals, to pursue my dreams. Thanks for everything.

Piano // June 10, 2013
Before I went music lessons I didn't understand but now I'm Beethoven!

Piano // June 10, 2013
I like the rhythm of the piano that it makes. I like reading notes and finding out where they are. It's fun.

Alexandra B.G.
Vocal Training // June 7, 2013
Thank you for providing the best of your knowledge, being always supportive and encouraging. The vocal training has completely changed my voice, gave my dreams back and helped me to believe in my talents and in myself.

Peter Varga
Electric Guitar // June 5, 2013
The beginning was quite hard when I started playing the guitar ( I was kinda lazy and sloppy at practicing), but Joseph was extremely patient and helpful, and helped me trough the hard parts, he didn't mind explaining musical theory or the correct hand-holding over and over again untill I understood it. I recommend him as a teacher for everybody who wants to learn the guitar.