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How to Practice?

Practice, guitar lesson, piano lesson, music lesson, drum lesson, London, Norwood, croydon

Frequently Asked Questions


  • How Many Minutes/Hours a Day Should I Practice?

  • How to be a better musician?

  • How to maximize the time?


A music practice routine can be the most effective way to progress on the instrument. No matter what style of music you’re learning or experience level you’re starting from, organizing your practice time will help you grow as a player.

Set up a daily routin it isn't easy when life is busy and so much to do waiting for you.  At below you find few steps to make your rehearsal not only useful but  an effective and fun practice.

How Many Minutes/Hours a Day Should I Practice?

You will find that deliberate practice is very draining, given the tremendous amount of energy required to keep one’s full attentional resources on the task at hand. Practicing more than one hour at a time is likely to be unproductive and in all honesty, probably not even mentally or emotionally possible. Even the most dedicated individuals will find it difficult to practice more than four hours a day.

Studies have varied the length of daily practice from 1 hour to 8 hours, and the results suggest that there is often little benefit from practicing more than 4 hours per day, and that gains actually begin to decline after the 2-hour mark.  The key is to keep tabs on the level of concentration you are able to sustain.


5 Keys For More Effective Practice


1.  Duration

Keep practice sessions limited to a duration that allows you to stay focused. This may be as short as 10-20 minutes for younger students, and as long as 45-60 minutes for older individuals.


2. Timing

Keep track of times during the day when you tend to have the most energy. This may be first thing in the morning, or right before lunch, etc. Try to do your practicing during these naturally productive periods as these are the times at which you will be able to focus and think most clearly.


3. Goals

- What is your goal? Learn new riffs, scales, modes, technique or songs? 

- Learn new songs! Get familiar new technique through songs.


Try using a practice notebook. Keep track of your practice goals and what you discover during your practice sessions. The key to getting into the “zone” when practicing is to be constantly striving to have clarity of intention. In other words, to have a clear idea of the sound you want to produce, or particular phrasing you’d like to try, or specific articulation, intonation, etc. that you’d like to be able to execute consistently.

When you figure something out, write it down. As I practiced more mindfully, I began learning so much during practice sessions that if I didn’t write everything down, I’d forget.


4. Smarter, not harder

Give yourself time!! Sometimes if a particular passage is not coming out the way we want it to, it just means we need to practice more. There are also times, however, when we don’t need to practice harder, but need an altogether different strategy or technique. I realized that there had to be a smarter, more effective way to accomplish my goal.

Instead of stubbornly keeping at a strategy or technique that wasn’t working for me, I forced myself to stop practicing this section altogether. I tried to brainstorm different solutions to the problem for a day or so, and wrote down ideas to try as they occurred to me. When I felt that I came up with some promising solutions, I just started experimenting. I eventually came up with a solution that I worked on over the next week or so, and when I played the caprice for my teacher, he actually asked me how I made the notes speak so clearly!


5. Problem-solving model

Consider this 6-step general problem-solving model summarized below (adapted from various problem solving processes online).

  • Define the problem (what do I want this note/phrase to sound like?)

  • Analyze the problem (what is causing it to sound like this?)

  • Identify potential solutions (what can I tweak to make it sound more like I want?)

  • Test the potential solutions to select the most effective one (what tweaks seem to work best?)

  • Implement the best solution (make these changes permanent)

  • Monitor implementation (do these changes continue to produce the results I’m looking for?)

Or simpler yet, check out this model from Daniel Coyle’s book The Talent Code.

  • Pick a target

  • Reach for it

  • Evaluate the gap between the target and the reach

  • Return to step one

It doesn’t matter if we are talking about perfecting technique, or experimenting with different musical ideas. Any model which encourages smarter, more systematic, active thought, and clearly articulated goals will help cut down on wasted, ineffective practice time. 

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